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的 Master of Medical Science in 医师助理研究 (PA) program is designed to embody the diverse culture at 正规博彩十大网站排名学院 和 educate students to provide community-based healthcare. Committed to educating inclusive leaders to serve diverse patients 和 their communities, 正规博彩十大网站排名学院’s PA program will train students to practice evidence-based medicine through a rigorous, 基于队列的24个月课程.

的 PA program seeks to admit students who complete a competitive CASPA应用程序, 示范专业, 奉献, 以及对病人护理的承诺. 入学审查过程不需要GRE.

CASPA应用程序 现在开放,2024年12月1日关闭.

  • 我们强烈鼓励尽早提交申请.
  • 录取决定是在滚动的基础上做出的, so early application submission is encouraged for this competitive program.




Cumulative overall GPA 和 BCP GPA are calculated based on all undergraduate 和 graduate coursework completed from all post-secondary 机构s, whether or not a degree was received from a given 机构 as verified 和 CASPA计算.


Competitive applicants will have successfully completed the following courses within the last ten years. All courses with a laboratory component must have been completed in-person.
  • 人体解剖学和生理学(含实验室)(2门课程)
    • Combined Human Anatomy 和 Physiology courses are acceptable provided the total credits earned equal a minimum of two courses
  • 普通生物学(含实验室)(2门课程)
  • 普通化学(含实验室)(2门课程)
  • 有机化学(含实验室)(1门课程)
  • 附加化学或生物化学(1门课程)
  • 统计学-或-生物统计学(1门课程)
  • 推荐,非必需:微生物学
Prerequisite courses must meet the following requirements for consideration:
  • Applicants may apply with no more than TWO outst和ing prerequisite courses. Exceptions to this requirement include currently enrolled Agnes Scott students applying as part of an Agnes Scott linkage program. 请访问我们的网站了解链接计划的详细信息.
  • 所有的前提课程必须在6月15日前完成, 2025年被录取的申请人进入这个项目.
  • All prerequisite courses must be completed with letter grades of “C” or better (not C minus). 完成“及格/不及格”的课程将不被考虑.
  • 通过考试获得学分的课程, 比如AP课程, 不被任何一门必修课程接受.
  • 跳级, IB, or transfer credit from previous healthcare coursework will not be accepted towards this program's degree requirements.
  • All prerequisite courses with a laboratory component must have been completed in-person. Completion through online course instruction will not meet the prerequisite requirement.


申请人必须是美国公民.S. 美国公民.S. 合法永久居民,有资格进入该计划. 

  • 如果在美国以外的机构获得学士学位nited States, then applicants must complete at least one year (30 semester hours) of additional undergraduate or graduate course work at a regionally accredited U.S. 申请前就读院校.


虽然不是入学要求, 更具竞争力的申请人将达到推荐的最低1分,000小时的直接“动手”病人护理经验, 完成支付或志愿者经验. 
  • 对于被认为是“直接”动手“病人护理的经验, 它必须涉及与病人的亲身接触, 和/或医疗环境中的高层决策. 例如:EMT或护理人员, RN, LPN, 护士的援助, 与健康有关的和平队志愿者, 物理治疗师, 临床研究人员,如果涉及患者接触, 抽血者, radiology technician 和 non-remote medical scribe with direct patient access.
  • 直接“动手”病人护理, 不包括观察或跟随, 非临床研究经验, CPR或ACLS指导员, 学生实习时数, 病人转运体, 医药或医疗器械代表, 制药技术, 救生员, 医疗秘书, 保险的秘书, 医务文员职位, 有氧运动或瑜伽教练, 或者私人教练.
  • Applicants with completed experiences should update the "Experiences" section within the "Supporting Information" portion of the application.
    • 当可用的, upload proof of patient care/clinical experience hours to the "Program Materials - Documents" section of the CASPA应用程序. 文件可以包括接触类型和/或临床经验, 的位置, 日期, 小时数, 以及主管的签名和联系方式.


提交一个 完整的、经过验证的CASPA应用程序 在2024年12月1日之前完成. 申请将于2024年5月1日开始.

  • A review of an application will occur only after the application has been submitted, 以及CASPA收到并核实的所有材料. 
  • 不完整的文件将不被录取委员会审查. It takes approximately 2-4 weeks for applications to be processed 和 verified by the CASPA.
  • 请参阅下面的申请截止日期和审查过程.


Official transcripts from all undergraduate 和 graduate 机构s you have attended, 不管你是否在那个机构完成了学位, 必须提交给CASPA. 关于如何向CASPA提交成绩单的详细信息可以在这里找到 在这里.

  • 完成地区认可的美国大学的四年制学士学位.S. 学院或大学必须参加该计划.
  • 如果成绩单来自非美国学生.S. 机构, an official Evaluation of Foreign Credentials from is required along with copies of transcripts.
    • 所有在非美国大学就读的申请人.S. 机构 must be able to document their degree as being equivalent to that of a four-year bachelor’s degree awarded by an accredited United States college or university. Applicants must have their foreign credentials evaluated by a member of the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (naces.org).
    • 评估必须包括:每门课程的描述, 证明与地区认可的美国.S. bachelor’s degree (or the number of years toward completion 和 grade point average).
  • 如果在美国以外的机构获得学士学位.S., then applicants must complete at least one year (30 semester hours) of additional undergraduate or graduate course work at a regionally accredited U.S. 申请前就读院校.

In addition to completing the Essay in the "Supporting Information" section of the CASPA, 申请人需单独提交一份 正规博彩十大网站排名的目的声明,详情如下:

  • Use this as an opportunity to explain why you are interested in Agnes Scott’s PA program, 为什么艾格尼丝·斯科特会录取你, 和 解释你学历上的任何空白或下降.
  • 包括对以下内容的回应: 
    • What unique skills or attributes do you possess that will contribute to you becoming a collaborative, 社会责任医师助理? 请提供真实的例子来支持你的答案.
    • 解释你为什么对艾格尼丝·斯科特的私人助理项目感兴趣, 为什么ASC会录取你, 和, 解释你学历上的任何空白或下降.
  • ​Upload your Statement of Purpose in the "Program Materials - Documents" section of the CASPA应用程序.
  • 仅提供学术或专业推荐 将被允许.
    • 鼓励学术推荐. If you have been out of school for 2+ years, professional recommendations are accepted.
  • Letters must be current 和 no older than one year old at the time of CASPA submission.
  • 推荐: 医疗保健专业人员的推荐信一封.e.、执业私人助理、医生、执业护士、医疗保健主管).


Upload your current resume or curriculum vitae in the "Program Materials - Documents" section of the CASPA应用程序.


CASPA应用程序 2024年5月1日开放,2024年12月1日关闭.

  • 录取决定是在滚动的基础上做出的, so early application submission is encouraged for this competitive program.
  • 申请提交后,将对申请进行审核, 材料由CASPA接收并审核. This verification process can take 2-4 weeks before being received by Agnes Scott. 


的 following must be received by CASPA by the final deadline for an applicant to be considered during this cycle: CASPA应用程序; al最终,正式成绩单; 至少有两份推荐信


招生委员会采用全面的方法, 承认多样性, 并且对那些与我们的使命一致的人有强烈的偏好.

  • Applications 和 application materials will only be considered once submitted, 通过CASPA完成并验证.
  • 合格的候选人将被邀请进行个人面试, 面试时间为2024年9月至2025年4月.
  • Admitted students are required to submit a $500 non-refundable enrollment deposit 和 undergo a criminal background check* to fully enroll.

*Admitted applicants will be responsible for the cost of the criminal background check.
